Ever wonder how the Instagram bloggers create such beautiful feeds? It has a lot to do with determining your theme from the start and delivering a unique aesthetic and creating a unique planner Instagram feed is no different. People tend to believe theme and aesthetic are the same thing. Although they can relate to one another, the two are very different. Themes pertain to what industry you want your blog to fall under such as fitness, travel, lifestyle, etc. Aesthetic represents the feeling, tone, or personality you want to portray to your followers and potential viewers.

Instagram aesthetics have become popular over the years. Why? Well, your aesthetic represents the mood you want to set. If you haven’t noticed already, our Instagram feed reflects the products we offer. We aim for a monochromatic aesthetic on Instagram with accents of nude, blush tones. Keep your feed consistent by sticking to the aesthetic you chose.

Get inspired by following profiles with similar themes. The planning community is huge on aesthetics, but each profile can be completely different. Some like bright, bold colors while others are more neutral. Follow what you like the most then figure out a way to execute your own style. Personally, I follow hashtags with common aesthetics like #Monochromatic. I get inspired by seeing you all use #ClothAndPaper or #ClothandPaperTrail on Instagram. Seeing your personal flare on the Cloth & Paper inserts or covers gives us so many ideas! You just have to find what makes you smile. A rule of thumb, if it takes you more than 5 minutes to take your Instagram picture, you’re trying to hard and chances are you aren’t being your authentic self in that image. SCRAP IT and give it another go until the picture feels natural to you.

Create a cohesive aesthetic by posting photos that fall in line with your style. Complementary angles, similar scenery, and using the same accent color can complement your feed. Don’t forget to keep this in mind when choosing props and locations for your photos. The same guideline goes for editing photos. There are tons of photo editing apps that can help you build a beautiful feed. I really enjoy the filters on Instagram and find it easiest to edit on there. Remember to always apply the same filter to keep your profile constant. Through color schemes and picture content, you can determine how you want to showcase your profile.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to identify your own aesthetic. Don’t try to mimic other feeds. Adding personal touches is something ONLY YOU CAN OFFER. Besides, who wants to blend in when you can stand out?

October 28, 2018


Bette Brownlee said:

Beautifully stated.

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