Daily Meal Plan Sticky Notes

Daily Meal Plan Sticky Notes

Rs. 500.00

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Keep track of or plan for your meals with our Daily Meal Plan Sticky Notes! Each sticky note features a space to record the info you need on your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Sticky Note Features:

  • Measures 3 x 3 inches
  • Black ink on matte Angora paper
  • "Today's Meals" header
  • Slash marks to fill in date
  • Divided horizontally into three equal sections labeled "B", "L", and "D"
  • 50 sheets
  • Self adhesive

This item has a purchase limit of 5 per customer.

While we do our very best to ensure all Cloth & Paper product listing photos are color accurate, product colors may appear differently in real life. Due to variation in paper stock, ink style, and materials used, different products with the same color name are not guaranteed to be exact shade matches.

An image representing an example of spoilers of some Penspiration items that could be included when upgrading to the Penspiration and Planning + Stationery Box.  There are 5 different pens or highlighters sitting next to a Penspiration Card and another Prompt Card.

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