We’re so excited to take a closer look at the Self Discovery Box as September’s subscription theme! We’ll delve into the unique items in the box and ways to use them in your planning.

Self Discovery Insert

These inserts guide you through the Ikigai Method, “Ikigai” being a Japanese concept roughly translating to “thing you live for” or “reason to get up in the morning”. It implements a core four pillars: What you LOVE, What the world NEEDS, what you are SKILLED AT, and what you can be PAID FOR. By exploring these pillars, alongside your passion, mission, vocation, and profession, you will transform your process and find your sense of purpose or meaning. The final pages of the Self Discover Inserts include your own Discovery Ledger, where you further examine personal themes such as what you admire, have a need for, or wish to accomplish. Take your time to truly explore and engage in both the inserts and yourself. You may also want to take a look at the demo page, found at the front of the bundle, to view a visual of this how-to.

Self Discovery Inserts Demo Sheet

Self Discovery Inserts Discovery Ledger

Spotlight Sticker Set

Our Spotlight Stickers have three new color additions: Sedona, Pistachio, and Angora. With three sizes, small, medium and large, put the spotlight on your most important notes. Brand-new C&P color Sedona appears as a burnt-orange, and Pistachio appears as a unique sage. Highlight your spread dates, bring attention to important tasks, or use the stickers as planner decor.

Spotlight Stickers

Spotlight Stickers In-Use

Dot Grid Notepad

We’re loving our new color Olive, which debuts as the Dot Grid Notepad and Event Checklist Sticky Notes. Use either dark ink or bright ink (like the UNI-BALL SIGNO ANGELIC COLOR GEL PEN | 0.7 MM | WHITE) to write your notes – both will show up! The dot grid layout allows endless possibilities in your planning. Create a task list, write notes, or use it as an “inbox” catch-all.

Dot Grid Notepad and Event Checklist Sticky Notes

Event Checklist Sticky Note

Uniquely designed, these sticky notes are perfect for tracking your event. Not only can you keep track of a to-do list, you may also add a purchase list, guest notes, or other event notes. These sticky notes match the Dot Grid Notepad in color Olive. Use black or white ink for added flair!

Sign up for the next box here to receive luxe planning supplies every month!

October 05, 2022


Tiffany Huggins said:

Awesome Read! Great tips I can use to further enjoy my September Sub Box. The Olive Dot Grid notepad is a masterpiece. It’s giving me all the FALL vibes. I’m looking forward to everything the October Sub Box has to offer. THANK YOU to the entire C&P Team!! 🖤🤍

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