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CAD ATÁ laistiar:
2 TRÁDÁLA Scáthán AICRYLACHA | Seo an chéad uair a chuireamar mír mar seo san áireamh! Bhí an oiread sin spreagtha againn ó leideanna eagraíochtúla Marie Kondo, gur theastaigh uainn na tráidirí seo a chur san áireamh ionas gur féidir leat do phinn, earraí áilleachta, nó cártaí a eagrú!
NÓTAÍ GREATAINE MARBAL GLAS | Is fearr le lucht leanúna sa siopa. Mar sin chic agus chomh úsáideach. Bhí a fhios againn gur bhreá leat iad seo!
NÓTAÍ GREATAINE LÍNEÁILTE GLAS | Nóta greamaitheach le stíl nua ar a bhfuil cúlra liath agus dúch bán.
"L" DESCAR | Painéal na nIonstraimí i dubh le dúch bán. Tá méideanna bunaithe ar do rogha pleanálaí.
"B" DESCAR | Painéal BOSS i dubh le dúch bán. Tá méideanna bunaithe ar do rogha pleanálaí.
"I" DASHBOARD | Painéal ICONIC dubh le dúch bán. Tá méideanna bunaithe ar do rogha pleanálaí.
5 CÁRTAÍ OIBREACH | Finscéal, Íocónach, GirlBoss, Do You, agus #Postivevibesonly. Snagcheol do leagan amach pleanálaí leis na cártaí seo!
Feabhra 25, 2019
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Dúirt Kathryn :
My first month of getting both boxes and I love them!! I’m planning on revamping the notice board in my studio so the cards will all be used. I’m taking the sticky notes and trays (and maybe the smaller cards) to work to make my desk look classy.
Dúirt Marcelle Davis:
I’ve been a subscriber (to both boxes) since August 2018 and I have yet to be disappointed!
Dúirt Rebecca:
Just got it in the mail and it’s AWESOME. I can’t wait to organize with the trays. I also got the penspiration bag and they are all so gorgeous.
Dúirt Amy:
Honestly so pumped! I was looking for a cute storage option for my essential oils and now I have one! I will have to be on the lookout to see how others use the mirrored trays to organize planner stuff :)